Transversal days
Two days entirely dedicated to the intersection of reflections, experiences, subjects mentioned above.
Development through Higher Education
Facilitation: Jérôme Thonnat , Agro Institute
Franco-Ivorian Hub
- Moussa Diaby , Institut National Polytechnique Houphouët Boigny, Ivory Coast
- Taina Loum * & Dabone Yacouba * , students
Franco-Senegalese Campus
- Serigne Magueye Gueye , Managing Director
- Diarra Diouf & Mohamed Rassoul Diouf, students
ADEFSA and PEA programs
- Elise Kaba , Agrhymet
- Ndéyé Coumba Toure Kane , USSEIN
C2D and public-private partnerships
- Siaka Koné , Institut National Polytechnique Houphouët Boigny, Ivory Coast
Double degree partnerships
- Abdoulaye Samb , Cheick Anta Diop University, Senegal
What achievements and what trajectories for development through Research?
Facilitation: Astou Camara , Senegalese Institute for Agricultural Research (ISRA), Ludovic Cocogne (IRD) & Philippe Petithuguenin (CIRAD)
Laureates of the “Tremplin” prize for bilateral research cooperation – Africa:
- Aïda Bouratbine , Institut Pasteur de Tunis
- Gerald Spaeth , Institut Pasteur de Paris
Experience feedback: impact of research projects in terms of development
- Tahina Solofoniaina Raharison , GSDM – Agroecology Professionals
- Alpha Kabinet Keita , Guinea Infectious Disease Research and Training Center
- Maryam Muhammad * , National Veterinary Research Institute of Nigeria
What prospects and trajectories for development through research
- Abdoulaye Touré , Guinea Infectious Disease Research and Training Center
- Alioune Fall , Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa
- Bertrand Walckenaer , AFD
- DG INTPA , European Commission
- Elisabeth Claverie de Saint-Martin , Cirad
- Valérie Verdier , IRD
The Research-Innovation link: supporting knowledge towards sustainable solutions (round table)
Facilitation: Laetitia Mahé , IRD
- Hambani Masheleni *, African Union Commission
- Bouna Kane , Simplon Africa
- Koumba Maï Koné , Nangui Abrogoua University, Abidjan, Ivory Coast
- Antoine Reské Diomandé, Cémoi
- Philippe Nérin , SATT AxLR
- Awa Caba , Sooretul
Building together the intelligence of tomorrow for Africa and for the world (round table)
Facilitation: Patrick Caron , University of Montpellier
- Lindiwe Sibanda , University of Pretoria, South Africa
- Habiba Chaabouni , Academy of Sciences Tunisia
- Edgar Morin * , Unesco Chair, France
- Achille Mbembé , University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa
Competitive funding, evaluation, impact, accountability: independence or complementarity of actors and approaches?
Facilitation: Didier Hoffschir , Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation
- Thierry Damerval , ANR
- Thomas Mélonio , AFD
- Yazdan Yazdanpanah , ANRS | Emerging infectious diseases
- Léonard Mizzi , European Commission (to be confirmed)
- Aldo Stroebel , National Research Foundation, South Africa
Conclusion of the Montpellier Global Days
- Philippe Augé , University of Montpellier
- Sophie Béjean, Rector of the Academy of Occitanie
- Michaël Delafosse , Montpellier Mediterranean Metropolis & City of Montpellier